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Metallbearbeitungsmaschinen | Emmegi Satellite XL & Elumatec DG 104

Timed auction

2 Positionen

Do 19.09.2024 from 10:58

Metallbearbeitungsmaschinen | Emmegi Satellite XL & Elumatec DG 104

Active | Timed auction

34260 Kaufungen

post-auction | Metalworking machines from Eder + Müller GmbH

Timed auction

38 Positionen

Do 19.09.2024 from 11:46

post-auction | Metalworking machines from Eder + Müller GmbH

Active | Timed auction

66954 Pirmasens

Machines and systems for window production

Timed auction

268 Positionen

So 29.09.2024 from 09:32

Machines and systems for window production

Completed | Timed auction

7900 Nykøbing Mors

Machines and equipment for window production (Denmark)

Timed auction

278 Positionen

Mo 07.10.2024 from 09:23

Machines and equipment for window production (Denmark)

Active | Timed auction

7900 Nykøbing Mors

Thread testing machine

Non-auction sale

1 Positionen

Thread testing machine

Completed | Non-auction sale

57413 Finnentrop

Concert grand Niendorf N-RF-227

Non-auction sale

1 Positionen

Concert grand Niendorf N-RF-227

Completed | Non-auction sale

14943 Luckenwalde

Metalworking machines from TK Elevator

Non-auction sale

15 Positionen

Metalworking machines from TK Elevator

Completed | Non-auction sale

73765 Neuhausen


Non-auction sale

1 Positionen


Completed | Non-auction sale

24539 Neumünster

Godswill Gluer GSG-9

Non-auction sale

1 Positionen

Godswill Gluer GSG-9

Completed | Non-auction sale

22525 Hamburg

Flexo printing machine Altinisik

Non-auction sale

1 Positionen

Flexo printing machine Altinisik

Completed | Non-auction sale

22525 Hamburg


Non-auction sale

9 Positionen


Non-auction sale

22525 Hamburg


Timed auction

1 Positionen

Di 27.01.2099 from 15:00


Completed | Timed auction

63768 Hösbach OT Rottenberg

Papierschneidelinie Baumann / Wohlenberg P 132 TS

Timed auction

1 Positionen

Do 31.12.2099 from 00:00

Papierschneidelinie Baumann / Wohlenberg P 132 TS

Completed | Timed auction


MBO K 800.2S-KT L/4 + Palamides Alpha 500

Timed auction

1 Positionen

Do 31.12.2099 from 00:00

MBO K 800.2S-KT L/4 + Palamides Alpha 500

Completed | Timed auction


Equipment for a construction machinery dealership

Timed auction

174 Positionen

Fr 13.09.2024 from 09:09

Equipment for a construction machinery dealership

Completed | Timed auction

03042 Cottbus

Metalworking machines from Eder + Müller GmbH

Timed auction

140 Positionen

Do 12.09.2024 from 09:24

Metalworking machines from Eder + Müller GmbH

Completed | Timed auction

66954 Pirmasens

Construction machinery | Wheel loader

Timed auction

6 Positionen

Mi 11.09.2024 from 11:50

Construction machinery | Wheel loader

Completed | Timed auction

66793 Saarwellingen

 Industrial pumps and systems

Timed auction

167 Positionen

Di 10.09.2024 from 10:14

Industrial pumps and systems

Completed | Timed auction

03149 Forst (Lausitz)

Growing and packaging systems from Infarm GmbH

Timed auction

203 Positionen

Do 29.08.2024 from 10:38

Growing and packaging systems from Infarm GmbH

Completed | Timed auction

64319 Pfungstadt

Rüttelplatte + Generator

Timed auction

2 Positionen

Mi 28.08.2024 from 10:58

Rüttelplatte + Generator

Completed | Timed auction

54518 Esch

Commercial vehicles August 2024

Timed auction

14 Positionen

Do 22.08.2024 from 10:34

Commercial vehicles August 2024

Completed | Timed auction

48739 Legden

Wachtel Piccolo Pro bakery oven

Timed auction

3 Positionen

Di 13.08.2024 from 12:58

Wachtel Piccolo Pro bakery oven

Completed | Timed auction

30855 Diverse Standorte

Vehicles July 2024

Timed auction

7 Positionen

Di 13.08.2024 from 10:48

Vehicles July 2024

Completed | Timed auction

Diverse Standorte

Welding technology from TransTec GmbH

Timed auction

10 Positionen

Do 01.08.2024 from 11:46

Welding technology from TransTec GmbH

Completed | Timed auction

03226 Vetschau/ Spreewald

Industrial auctions - how they run successfully

In industry, plant, machinery, equipment and tools are needed. But there is an alternative to buying new equipment - participating in an industrial auction. Industrial auctions offer certain advantages, including the opportunity to acquire high-quality industrial equipment at an affordable price and avoid time-consuming negotiations with various sellers. At Greenfield Auctions, we will guide you through the entire process of your industrial auction and ensure that you are successful!

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What is an industrial auction?

An industrial auction is a process in which machinery, plant and equipment from the industrial sector are sold by auction. Several buyers gather and bid for an object. The one who bids the most gets the object. This is the basic function of an auction.

But why does an industrial auction take place at all? There are insolvency auctions, fimen auctions as well as production part liquidations. This means that a company stops using the equipment and wants to recoup some money by selling it. This is where Greenfield Auctions comes in. We provide realistic valuations for you and sell your industrial goods through our online auctions.

Insolvency auctions are a special case. In this form of industrial auction, companies usually do not choose to have their machinery and equipment auctioned off. An insolvency auction is initiated by an insolvency administrator. This person is appointed by the insolvency court for the purpose of taking over the management of the company. He can dispose of all assets and auction off those things that are not absolutely necessary for the business. The proceeds are divided among the company's creditors. However, an industrial auction can also take place if a company is dissolved in the course of insolvency proceedings.

Some of our industrial auctions are also specialised in certain industries. For example, there are auctions of woodworking machinery or metalworking machinery. In our experience, more interested buyers are usually found if this distinction is made, as they are looking for the relevant machines.


What is there to buy at an industrial auction?

Those who have never been to an industrial auction may ask themselves: What can I find at such an auction? Basically, all branches of industry can be represented. So you will find what you are looking for if you are looking for saws, grinding machines, planing machines or drilling machines, as well as if you are more interested in forklifts, industrial trucks, measuring machines, packaging machines or compressors. So you can find everything that is used in industry at an industrial auction.

To avoid buying a pig in a poke at an auction, there are a few things to consider. Beforehand, you should inspect the industrial goods on site or get a more precise impression by means of pictures and video material. Only those devices and machines are offered that have also been checked for their function. However, it is not always possible to make an exact statement about the actual current value.


Advantages of an online industrial auction

Usually, an auction takes place at a fixed time. Potential buyers meet and try to outbid each other until the winner is determined. But this always involves a cumbersome journey. Buyers have to bring a lot of time with them and appear on site.

Our online industrial auctions are therefore a great advantage. With this type of auction, everything takes place via the Internet. You are independent of time and place and can easily enter your bid online. Online auctions also offer great opportunities for companies that want to auction off their industrial equipment. In this way, many more potential buyers are approached who would otherwise not have become aware of the offer. People from all over Germany can bid for the machines and equipment, which not only contributes to the security of a sale, but can also positively influence the prices.

Thanks to our practical watch list, you will no longer miss an auction. You can also bid on several items at the same time. The internet offers maximum flexibility!


Industrial auction at Greenfield Auctions

Do you still have questions about industrial auctions? Or would you like to make use of other Greenfield Auctions services? We are your professionals in the fields of securing and marketing. Thanks to our many years of experience, we know exactly what is important at an auction.

Please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you and will take care of your request as quickly as possible.



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